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Pak Family Products​​​​





​Platelets express glycoproteins that are polymorphic and can become the targets for antibody responses. Detecting these antibodies offers the clinician the potential to better identify compatible blood products and improve patient care.

LIFECODES Pak Family ELISA Products

The Pak family of products provide well-characterized platelet glycoproteins immobilized either directly and/or captured by monoclonal antibodies to the wells of a microwell plate. The available formats allow a user to detect antibodies that bind to the platelet-specific glycoproteins (IIb/IIIa, Ib/IX, Ia/IIa and IV) and Class I HLA.1

PakAuto has been designed to detect autoantibodies to patient glycoproteins. These antibodies are eluted from the patient’s own platelets or found circulating in plasma.2

  • Kits available for both allo and auto platelet antibody detection
  • Differentiate HLA from platelet antibodies
  • Multiple kit formats allow for maximum flexibility
1 LIFECODES PakPlus for in vitro diagnostic use [package insert], Waukesha, WI; Immucor GTI Diagnostics, Inc., 2013. 
2 LIFECODES PakAuto for in vitro diagnostic use [package insert], Waukesha, WI; Immucor GTI Diagnostics, Inc.,





Pak Lx and PakAuto products are CE marked for IVD use.

PakPlus is For Research Use Only in Japan.

For additional availability in other countries please contact your local sales representative or distributor.