With greater volumes to handle and fewer specialized technologists in the blood bank, labs of all sizes are called upon to do more with less. As a world leader in blood bank automation, Immucor has heard the call, from large donor centers to small community hospital transfusion services, all over the globe. And we've answered with an unwavering commitment to bring the benefits of blood bank automation to all labs, regardless of their volume, test mix and workflow. There is only one company that brings innovation to market, year after year and offers the right system for any sized transfusion service, donor center or clinical reference laboratory. Designed to work with our patented Capture® solid phase technology, you can depend on automation from Immucor, test after test, for proven reliability, exceptional flexibility and unparalleled support.
Echo Lumena™: Increase efficiency, accuracy and flexibility with the redesigned Echo Lumena, our high performing, fully automated blood bank system. Get results in record time – Echo Lumena is the fastest fully automated type and screen on the market today.
NEO Iris® - NEO Iris delivers the highest type and screen throughput on the market today. True continuous access allows operators to add samples or resources anytime.
Capture® Workstation: The semi-automated Capture workstation is designed as a stand-alone solution for small laboratories or as a standardized back-up system to the fully automated Echo or NEO instruments.