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An IgG-specific red cell antibody detection, identification and crossmatch system. Capture-R® Ready-Screen® technology is utilized in the detection of unexpected IgG antibodies to red blood cells by manual, semi-automated or fully automated test methods. Immucor’s broad menu of Capture-R red cell antibody screen and identification assays provides flexibility and standardization in pre-transfusion testing.

Antibody Screen Assays:
Capture-R® Ready-Screen® (Pooled) Pooled cell antibody screen for donor testing
Capture-R Ready-Screen (I and II) 2-cell antibody screen
Capture-R Ready-Screen (3) 3-cell antibody screen
Capture-R Ready-Screen (4) 4-cell antibody screen
Antibody Identification Assays:
Capture-R® Ready-ID® 14-cell primary antibody identification panel
Capture-R Ready-ID Extend I 14-cell secondary D-positive panel
Capture-R Ready-ID Extend II 14-cell secondary D-negative panel
Other Assays:
Capture-R® Select® Modified assay for the immobilization of red cells.  May be used for antibody screening, selected red cell panels, autologous controls, DAT, crossmatch or Weak D testing.